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When connecting with Spirit, even if it’s only a quick chat with your mum (for instance), do open up to those around you. You may well find you can feel your Guide, a helper (or 2) and other relatives who have passed. If we’re open to those others who we may not have been so close to, it allows better communication for us. It may well be that you are able to connect with your Guide really easily whereas a close relative may hold too much emotion for you to be fully open (though it’s great to allow the deep pain and grief to bubble to the surface and release it).
If we determinedly insist on only 1 person coming through, we may well be disappointed. Our loved ones aren’t always able to connect with us immediately they pass over. In fact, it often takes a while. A great communication with, for example, an uncle could easily reassure us that there is life after this existence and we therefore know that all our loved ones are safe.
We always have a team around us in Spirit, waiting to give us guidance and holding us safe. Just feel open and loving and see what happens! If you’re worried about “negative” energies connecting with you, that’s not a very safe place to open up. Far better is to be unconditionally loving and intend to work in the light and you will be guided and
kept safe by those who you love and your Guide. You can ask for a protective light to be placed around you whilst you work.
Meditating and asking for Spirit to draw close can feel like a huge pair of reassuring hands protecting us. It’s an incredible and safe feeling in our changing world. Spirit’s love is with you eternally, we are love.
Personally, I have never had any “bad” experiences. I always intend to connect with the highest of intentions for the greatest good of those around me and myself. I’m always polite with Spirit too and thank them for their guidance, support and love. This is important as they have made a huge effort to connect with us.
Remember that if you do have a “bad” energy coming through, you can just say “thank you but please leave me”; close your chakras and ask for a protective white light to be around you. You can also send love out from your heart chakra and intend that you are safe.
Intention is very important when healing, it gives a strong, healthy energy to our work. Above all, enjoy your connections with Spirit. It’s best to be relaxed and accept the help they offer to you.
You can ask for their protection whilst driving or in any situation where you feel unsafe, ask your angels for protection and love.
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