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Meditation is key to Spiritual Growth
As the elemental energies are increased upon planet Earth during August, you may well feel the need to release your inhibitions and explore your creative side. Dreams will play an important part in August for those with the gift of prophecy, as all of us experience a shift in consciousness.
The time has come to refine our lifestyles, perfect our talents and look towards how we can creatively express who we are. During August, the Angelic Realm ask us to work with the Sun and Moon energies, combining the colour energies of Gold and Silver. This helps us to connect more deeply with the Cosmic Father Energies of the Sun, and the Feminine Energies of the Moon.
Currently the Angelic Realm are bringing to the Earth Plane these two specific energies, to help align us and clear away past programming. These powerful energies will help to clear away specific light-body symptoms that we may be holding within our nervous system, lungs and brains.
If you're unlucky enough to suffer from stress, you will find during August a more relaxed period, as the pressures in your emotional and mental body are released. You will begin to notice synchronicity around you. The Angelic Realm ask us to use these specific energies this month to help us release any cellular negative programming within our heart chakra's.
You are being offered a doorway of opportunity to release past programming. If you want to make a summer ceremony out of this, you will find it particularly powerful, if during Sunrise or Sunset you sit in nature, and work with your Guardian Angel, by calling upon your Guardian Angel, and giving them permission to help you release anything that does not serve your higher purpose. Give your Guardian Angel permission to help you embrace self-worth, insight and positive energy, to help you manifest divine love in your life. State to your Guardian Angel that you are now ready to create positive change in your life. Then, with your eyes closed, vividly imagine the golden light of the sun and the the silver energies of the moon joining together, and bathing you in a pillar of gold and silver light. Just allow these energies to filter through you, and when this is done, relax and allow spirit, your Guardian Angel or guides, to bring forward any healing or messages that you may need at this time; and if you're really lucky, you may just experience a visit from the Elemental Kingdom too.
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