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The basic rule behind this is simplicity itself. A good view will not only increase the value of your home but it will also encourage excellent chi to enter your home.
But I don't have a good view -
There are several feng shui remedies that will help. The window in your home are considered to be the "eyes" of the home.
Window Box - is an ideal thing to put in front of your window if you are overlooking a blank wall for instance. An ugly view or untidy back garden can cause unhappiness, so to counter this effect you should pay close attention to your windows and the surroundings.
Attractive Curtains - do not have to be expensive and you can make some wonderful effects with drapes, by adding swags and colour that can draw your attention away from an outside view.
North facing windows should feature strong yang colour, it has been said if weak colours are used and not strong ones then ladies of the house may suffer from menstrual problems. The reason for this is that woman are governed by yin, as is the direction of North. North is also associated with the Element of water so this is the connection to bodily fluids.
Say No to Venetian Blinds
Care must be taken with Venetian Blinds as there is a possibility that the slats

feng shui
will create harmful "secret arrows"
If you detect 'secret arrows' entering your home through a window, which could be coming from either the view, rooftops and aerials, lampposts etc, then placing a healthy strong potted plant on the window-sill will help to ward them off. From a Feng shui point of view, windows that open outwards are better. Always replace broken or cracked and broken windows as soon as possible to avoid general health problems such as headaches and eyestrain.
South Facing Windows
A south facing window needs an overhang of some sort, otherwise domestic arguments will be a feature of your home life. This is because the South is governed by the Fire Element and therefore things can get quite heated fi too much fire enter through the homes window.
Learn Feng Shui Tips for Health and Wealth in your home
Once you learn a few tips and tricks you will be amazed at just how much difference apply some of these can make your home take on a new and positive energy. Feng Shui has been used with great success to promote health and wellebing, improve love lives, attract wealth and even help with fertility. The benefits of feng shui are really endless. If you would like to learn more about feng shui then why download our free course prospectus.
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