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We are under constant bombardment from toxins, heavy metals and pesticides, and one of the areas in our body that suffers from the effects of toxins the most severely is the digestive system. It seems that digestive complaints are on the increase everywhere, and there seems to be very little that can be done to alleviate the symptoms.
Zeolites bind heavy metals and toxins, and then safely eliminate them from the body. Here are some of the ways that can assist your digestive system:
• They bind heavy metals and toxins in the digestive system and so they block absorption of these harmful substances through the intestinal wall.
• Zeolite blocks the absorption of cancer causing substances like organic compounds such as nitrosamines, dioxins, perchlorethylene, and aflatoxins. Nitrosamines are found in beer, fish by products, processed or cured meats, and some cheeses. Dioxins enter the body via the food that has been in contact with herbicides, Perchlorethylene is a solvent used in dry cleaning, and a metal degreaser, and is also found in paint stripper and spot remover. Aflotxins contaminate foods such as corn, milk products, and peanut containing products that have had any growth of fungus or mould.
• Zeolites serve as a natural antacid. It binds to stomach acid, and can continue working through the intestines.
• Zeolites do not bind to vitamins and nutrients.
• Zeolite helps to keep the pH in balance. This allows better absorption of nutrients.
• Zeolite helps to maintain the balance of healthy bacteria in the intestines and colon. This can aid constipation and decrease symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
• Zeolite helps to reduce gas and bloating. This is usually caused by food being improperly digested and for the reasons stated, this can be improved with detoxification.
• Zeolite can help reduce side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. It can help mop up the toxic break down of the drugs in the stomach and intestines.
Since almost 80% of the toxins that we have in our body are because we have ingested them through our food and drink, then it is evident that detoxifying can assist in overall well-being.
A return to health usually entails some form of cleansing of the digestive and absorption systems of the body. As shown above, zeolites can safely and effectively assist with the cleansing process and restore your digestive systems to good health.
In turn, this would mean that your body would be able to fully utilise the food that you consumed, and your energy levels may increase. It is a really important part of our overall health and it is sadly one that is neglected by the majority of people today.
N.B. For all references for this information, please go to the Links and References page on
To Your Continued Health!
Written By Caroline Nettle
0117 911 2529
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