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Best-selling, self-realization author
Mistaking intruders for welcome guests in your inner home is not nearly as uncommon as you may think. Isn’t it true that each of us knows firsthand this everyday experience? One minute you’re walking along without a care in the world, and the next minute you feel as though you’re carrying the entire world on your back! Your inner home, where you really live, has been temporarily invaded and taken over by negative thoughts and feelings whose sole intention is to possess and punish you for unknowingly inviting them in as guests.
In the absence of true self-awareness, our inner home has slowly turned into a kind of psychic way station where all manner of dark intruders can move in and stay as long as they please. And we have been welcoming these psychic impostors along with the real guests for so long that we have almost forgotten how to tell them apart!
So how do we learn to begin detecting and rejecting these marauding thoughts and feelings we unknowingly invited into our inner home?
First, the truth would have you know this: No unwanted mental or emotional pain is authorized to dwell within you. If there is suffering and conflict in your heart, it is only because you have mistaken an unwanted intruder for a guest. Your ability to discern their difference—which you can start to do right now with this list of special guidelines —gives you all the power you need to keep your inner home safe from rude and thieving psychic intruders.
How to Determine Invited Guests from Unwanted Intruders
Invited guests always:
1 Announce their arrival.
2 Know their own place.
3 Act pleasant and polite.
4 Help when and where they can.
5 Keep calm.
6 Consider others.
7 Remain gracious.
8 Leave quietly.
9 Leave you feeling pleased about their presence.
Unwanted intruders always:
1 Disguise their arrival using either stealth or brashness.
2 Think they should have more than whatever is offered.
3 Create a disturbance of some kind.
4 Take advantage of every situation.
5 Have an uncomfortable edge about them.
6 Insist that everyone serve their wants.
7 Constantly complain that nothing is right.
8 Steal, in one way or another.
9 Make you realize that you are better off alone.
Let the healthy influences of these guidelines awaken a new awareness in you that will eventually see to it that your inner home is truly a peaceful place that will remain that way forever.
For over 40 years Guy Finley has helped individuals around the world find inner freedom and a deeper, more satisfying way to live. His in-depth and down-to-earth teachings cut straight to the heart of today’s most important personal and social issues – anxiety, fear, self-discovery, meditation, relationships, addiction, stress, compassion, and personal peace. His work is widely endorsed by doctors, business professionals, celebrities, and spiritual leaders of all denominations.
Guy is the author of 45 books and video/audio programs, including his international bestseller “The Secret of Letting Go,” that have been translated into 30 languages and have sold millions of copies worldwide.
He has a weekly program on, and is a regular contributor to numerous print and online publications.
Guy is the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit Center for Spiritual Discovery located in southern Oregon, with tens of thousands of online newsletter subscribers worldwide. His talks are live-streamed free from the Foundation twice each week.
A Life of Learning outreach program is OneJourney, a growing, international community. In a world where differences among people are tearing us apart, OneJourney uses the wisdom of the ages to show that the journey to wholeness is an inner journey that is essentially the same for all people and all religions throughout time. It’s just been described in different words. The OneJourney site and its ever-expanding Living Book helps us meet life in a new way so that we no longer fight with events, but can use everything to grow stronger while making the world a better place.
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