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Have you ever wondered how some people are psychic and some are not? Well everybody had a higher self they can connect with or our sixth sense. But most of us don’t develop it. Would you like to know how to start to tune into your psychic mind and know the difference between mindless chatter and your intuitive mind?
As human beings we run on a certain frequency broadcasting all the time like a radio transmitter. You need to learn to receive rather than transmit which will allow the psychic or intuitive thoughts to come to you here are some tips on how to increase and develop your own psychic powers.
Your mind needs to relax as well as your body you need to clear all mind chatter to allow the psychic thoughts to flow. A good way to do this is to sit quietly maybe play some relaxing music and light fragrant candles , space clear the room by lighting incense or oils and just allow your thoughts to wander don’t control them just let them free, you need to feel centred and can hold a smokey quartz crystal this will ground you.
You need to open up your chakras one by one so the energy can flow unimpeded. The lower ones are important as the upper ones may get blocked and can cause stiff shoulders or headaches. Then starting at your crown visualise your chakras opening one by one and the energy flowing down your body. As you reach your based chakra imagine roots are growing out of your feet and burying into the earths core. This is am important part of the grounding and opening technique.
Affirm your intentions at this stage asking to work only for the highest good of all and to work with the highest vibration your capable of. When you feel an energy coming in let it flow through you like a light and ask any heavy energy to lift from you, imagine a white light protecting you like a shield so all the energy and thoughts you are receiving are of the highest good.
You may start to feel tingles or heat or may even see colours this is because you are starting to work on a higher frequency just let it happen naturally. You may see impressions or scenes or even hear words they may come into your mind in your own voice. Just stay relaxed and enjoy the show this is your higher self connecting with you and can be very enlightening. You are now developing your sixth sense which may have been dormant for years. Eventually you could hold an object or ask a question and see what impressions or feelings you receive.
Imagination or Intuition
This is the most common question and the easiest to answer. In my experience any psychic or intuitive thought are ones that come once it feels like its clearly come into your mind then gone again when you over think it and g over it again and again then that’s your imagination . In time you will ‘feel’ the difference.
Crystals for development
Certain crystals have channelling properties and when used correctly can help in your development.
If you sleep with this under your pillow it works on your 3rd eye helping to expand your awareness and opens your psychic channels. It can give you psychic dreams and allows the energy to flow throughout your upper chakras.
This awakens your higher self and increases clairvoyance. It can make you very receptive to psychic experiences and helps with your journey of enlightenment.
This opens your chakras which help to channel psychic energy. It stimulates psychic awareness and confidence.
Removes blockages and negative conditioning which lifts your chakras and opens up psychic thoughts.
There are many ways of developing Psychic Powers the most important things to remember are patience and relaxing. The more you commit to receiving the clearer it will become. You may choose to sit in group and develop with others or sit quietly alone. Essences and Crystals are a good help but there is no right or wrong way and whatever path you should choose to help you will be the right one just trust in your higher self and it will all become clear
Helen Lawson M.diphyp GQHP
Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist and Clairvoyant
Helen uses her psychic abilities and spiritual gifts to offer an alternative approach to healing for the mind and body. Inspiring people to use their full potential and developing their own higher awareness. To lead happy and fulfilling lives.
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