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Sheelagh Maria
Do you struggle with the law of attraction ? You understand the concept of 'thinking happy thoughts so you become a match to your outcome' but the truth is you have circumstances around you that challenge your inner peace. You generally find within three days the smile you pasted onto your face is slipping, and that old evidence just keeps on coming. You sigh tiredly, decide that 'all is well' even if it feels very decidedly 'off' and continue to affirm how abundant you are......feel familiar?
The beings i work with want you to understand that attracting from the outside in takes a LOT of effort and really produces less than consistent results. This is because you are manifesting from the 4th dimension (the mental plane) which is not hugely positive, at best it can be described as neatral - in fact it often hinders your manifestations because your soul level learning Must come first, and if you are not learning what your soul says you need too - in the 5th dimension, then 'she' or 'he' won't allow your manifestations to flow in at the cost of your growth.
The good news is that the 4th dimension is shutting, now for some this will in the short term produce more challenges as they come to see the results of their much needed expansion catching up with them, of course we must remember the universe only ever responds to 'where we really are' and not where we have 'thought ourselves into being for a while' - so when and if this happens it is truthfully needed in order that you make the required adjustments that will allow you to strengthen, expand and Then receive everything that you truly and wholeheartedly deserve.....
Your 'higher self' resides in the 5th dimension, a plane of pure euphoric love, and she (or he) knows and understands your frustrations, your fears and hears all of your pleas.....and your higher self wants all of those experiences for you as they are all in your higher good.....however your higher self also understands your joy is shortlived when it's not a thing that can fulfill you but a feeling, and very often your overall energy signature is not a match for that experience you so deserve
So - we are sharing that when you observe your challenges in the 'real world' but choose to connect with the 5th dimension, you will, despite the issues that face you, understand more of your true nature.
It takes time to recognise when you are connected, but as you do come to understand that you are by nature love, compassion, faith and trust, you also realise that YOU Are infinitely abundant and that nobody and no bill can 'take this away from you' in fact, the beings i work with instruct us to ask to 'see and feel' our true abundance

when in light meditation so that we can bring this into our aura energetically, and 'refer to it' through out our day
Now this sounds grand but what's the reality - well let me share, i have gone from earning not much to nearly 4 times the amount, and lets just say my tax bill was HUGE like thousands - when i paid it i kept referring to my abundance which was energetically present in my aura, and it didnt bother me at all, i continued to manifest amazing talented clients who wanted to develop their gifts simply because i was radiating the abundance that i truly 'be'
Connecting to your Higher Self, doesn't take any special skills, and your Higher Self is the being that gives all other guidance to your angels - to give to you, so in fact connecting with your higher self will take a lot of the questioning out of it , there is no way you can FAIL to connect with your higher self because it is ultimately the best part of you
1. see yourself sending your heart energy Up through your crown and see 3 steps these are some of your out of body chakras that take you UP
2. Send your awareness up each of these steps, on the first sense your true wisdom on the second sense your true loving and compassionate nature to all and for self, and on the third see yourself merging into a beautiful energy field
3. ask your higher self to allow you to feel your agelessness, your sexlessness, your expansion outside of 'personality self' really FEEL how wise and knowing you simply ARE
4. now ask to see your abundance, it may come as a feeling of fullness and contentment and 'being home' or you may see a colour or array of colours
5. merge with this, breathe it in, and let it become you - now see this colour or feeling coming' back down' the staircase with you and flowing around you in your aura
6. you ARE abundant and as you 'refer to it ' throughout your day throughout your week you will find that your outer circumstances bother you less and your inner calm is less easily affected, over time all that happens is that your outer circumstances start to mirror that which you are and best of all your thoughts naturally become more positive and philosophical without any stress or strain
Being abundant is so joyful and so magical that the simplest things will start to bring you pleasure, and your life will become a practice where even the rocky times will become an opportunity to ask 'well what is this showing me' how can i expand 'through' this ?
In truth, you are always supported always cared for and now you have the tools to bring that 'home' in ways that are easy, loving and natural
Channeled from Archangel Michael through
Sheelagh Maria
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