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Novaculite is a form of chert or flint found in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas and Oklahoma and in the Marathon Uplift of Texas. Novaculite is considered to be highly siliceous sediments and may be a product of the low-grade metamorphism of chert beds. The strata were deposited in the Devonian Period and subjected to uplift and folding during the Ouachita orogeny of the Pennsylvanian/Permian Periods.
Melody says :-
Novaculite can be used to open, to activate, and to energies the chakras to promote the removal of energy blockages and to promote the subsequent free flow of electromagnetic forces through the body. It further acts to bring a personal magnetisim to the user.
Novaculite can be used to introduce a freshness to ones l

ife, acting to bring new perspectives, new adventures and new situations to ones personal sphere of action.
Novaculite is excellent for psychic surgery.
Novaculite is very resistant to erosion and the layers of Novaculite stand out as ridges in the Ouachita Mountains. Novaculite is a form of microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline quartz. The colour of Novaculite varies greatly from almost white through brown to almost black.
Novaculite is not readily available yet, this is a very special stone to hold and has a different feel to it, and the surface is very smooth.
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