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Carl Dourish. Regressionist
Past Life Regression
I'm a past life regressionist, with almost 15 years experience as a qualified therapist. Over the last 5 years I have been guided into past life regression work. This started merely by chance. A regular technique in hypnosis is to state to a subject to return to the cause of their trauma or upset. Well this client did exactly has I asked. But she returned to a past life.
You can imagine my disbelief, has she went into great detail of this lifetime. She came to me with the phobia of rats (Musophobia) She started to explain her very rich lifestyle that she had. Mentioning her best friend who was her maid. Her father was a banker in London. At the time she was only 13 years old. But the fear came when she used to travel to London by horse and carriage, to visit her father in London. She explained that London was dirty and people living in poor condition. She hated the fact that rats were everywhere. Through normal desensitation within hypnosis, we released the fear from its root cause, and brought the release to today. The client no longer has a fear or phobia of rats.
From that point I went on to research this amazing, but very spiritual quest. I have now discovered almost 2000 past lives, each and everyone different. All my clients sessions are recorded so the individuals can do their own research into whom they were. I now even record with a camcorder and put the session onto DVD.
So now ask yourself. Have I been here before? Some people can state without question, that they have had many past lives before. Of course some people don't believe in such a concept.
Most people that are spiritual will most likely believe in past lives. However this is such a diverse area that some people just view going from one life to another, with no impact on their current life.
Past Life regression involves putting the client into a deep trance state. There are three states that we work within regarding hypnosis. First there is the conscious state. Secondly there is the unconscious state, which hypnotherapists use to alter behaviour patterns. However regressionist's work within a state called superconscious state. This is the state that one can communicate with the soul or energy. It may take 25+ minutes to reach this state, depending if the client as been hypnotised before.
Depending on the clients mental make-up, I will use an assortment of hypnotic procedures. The most common is the progressive relaxation technique. If you don't know this technique, it is the physical relaxation of each muscle. Concentrating on relaxing each and every muscle. I then use various deepening techniques. Deepening techniques are used to enter Superconscious state.
For the actually regression part I will use different techniques. The most common techniques that most people know about is, taking the stairs down to a long hallway, with many doors on each side. You feel personally drawn to one of the doors to a previous life. Another technique is the sand of times. Walking to a beach, hearing the sea and birds, feeling the breeze and warmth of the sun upon your face, you then turn to your left and walk into the fog and into a previous lifetime.
Some therapists involved in Past Life work will investigate just previous life's. Some therapist's use soul or guide workers. Soul and guide work is more in-depth and therapeutic, often taking 3 hours per session.
I use what is called Soul Recovery. SR is my technique that I designed long time ago now. When I first started out on this discovery, from a very early age, I must be an old soul. Many people used to comment to my mother 'How grown up I was, and acted' I knew that there is more to life, than just this. I went through going to Sunday School to learn about religion. I was even in the Church choir. However I felt that religion confused spirituality. There was more to it than being preached to by a man of God. I felt an energy without the need of religion. This has bared fruit, in all my SR's that I have done over the years.
Every person that has received a SR has recalled and recounted a spiritual energy. Not a religious being. I am not here to de-bunk religion, each to their own. I am merely pointing out my own and others experiences.
Soul Recovery is wonderful and enlightening once it has happened to you. It feels like your soul has re-born. Imagine from birth, how traumatic that experience is. Bearing in mind that your soul may have experienced a terrible death experience in your previous life. Then to go through all the daily stress and watch and listen to the troubles in this country and around the world. Our Soul can only take so much!! We have all heard of events that people class has 'soul destroying'.
Because of this some past lives have a negative effect on your present life. I will take you back to a previous life that is having an impact on your present life. I would give you suggestions to release the trauma or negative emotion. This approach is very therapeutic. After the therapy work, at the end of your session, you will receive natural soul healing. This is the soul energy being lifted and brightened to receive the universal light. What a truly wonderful experience, that every soul should have...
After the therapeutic release work, and soul healing. I would slowly awaken you to full consciousness, and allow you time to adjust to your new gained knowledge. Most people have many questions after such a journey of discoverer. That's why I record all sessions. Individuals can take their recording home, and listen to their whole regression. To experience this discovery call 01304 202250.
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