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Dear clients and friends
Many of my clients struggle with over active minds, so my guides assist me with this understanding.
Imagine how scary it must have been living in the wild for the cave men thousands of years ago. Just going down to the river for water could have got you killed by snakes, lion and other hungry animals out there. Therefore, instead of developing more muscle and more mass we started to think, to use our mind.
‘Yesterday one of the clan got attacked and killed again they had gone for water just after the sun had come up. Fear runs through the clan, someone needs to come up with a solution.
Over months and years of clan members dying whilst fetching water, one of the clan members came up with a solution. Her mind realises that she could not recall anyone being attacked when the sun is high in the sky, so she surmises that collecting water is the safest when the sun is high and at its hottest perhaps the animals rest and keep out of the sun. So from then on, they always go get water at midday it is not risk free but it proves to be far less likely any one gets hurt.
Her mind came into action; it knew from experience that members of the clan were attacked. Her ‘anger’ of losing loved members was high. She used this past knowledge and anger to motivate his thoughts. Her ‘anxiety’, ‘worry’ and ‘fear’ of losing others in the future motivated her mind into thinking of a way to keep the clan safe.’
Humans developed there mind instead of muscle or mass.
In today’s world, we do not have the same kind of environment. We do not need to try and fight just to stay alive, yes our world is still a jungle but it’s a different kind of jungle. It is possible to live with out fear and worry of losing your life.
The mind, I believe, evolved to find a way to keep us safe. ‘It is our friend when we are in a pickle’. The problem that we now have is the things that make us unsafe in our world no longer simply eat or kill us, they are our childhood ‘traumas’ and ‘hurts’ from the that seem to just keep on battering at us, if they are untended too. Now our minds keep making up different scenarios that might keep us safe from our feelings. From our anger of the past and our fear and worry of what the future may hold. The difficulty comes in when we may not remember or have buried these hurts and traumas so deep that our mind cannot find a way to help us so it begins to over work, constantly seeking an answer to make us feel safe.
I believe that it is possible to connect with these hurts and clear them and that in itself will give us a little more help, slowing the mind down, and helping us be more human and grounded and less wild minded and flighty.
Love and light
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