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Welcome to Tiffany Crosara’s first ever “AstroTarotChannel“.
The AstroTarotChannel, is a monthly blog talking about the energies of the coming month channeled through Tiffany Crosara. With the use of Tarot, Astrology and Writing. Three passions of Tiffany’s which she uses in her work and connection to spirit.
So if you are interested to hear all about the themes of August read on. Tiffany will also share the Tarot spread she used via the youtube link. If you wish to make sure you never miss a monthly ‘AstroTarot Channel” then sign up to
So here we are in the month of the Lion and the month of Lammas.
How much does a word or a sound tell us?
Could we read this as the month of the Lion and the Lamb?
If so are we heading towards the predicted fall of Babylon, with the ghost of The Tower of Babel haunting us as a distant reminder of what happens when man tries to be bigger than God?
Well, I do not believe that that the world will shift even more dramatically than it has been doing lately. Only that the energies continue to show that this shift is ongoing….
August is the month of Leo the Lion is the King, standing for courage, but also the heart. Reminding us that if we are to become our destiny we have to be strong, we have to rule ourselves with heart. Heart takes bravery for when we are in fear we are in the opposite of love. So now lets ask:
1) Are you conducting yourself with heart and courage, or with fear?
2) How many rulers do you see ruling from courage and heart, or with fear?
Lammas, the Celtic Festival of August is all about giving gratitude and celebration for the earth and her bounty, it’s time to think about what we do have and offer our thanks. To give our love to the earth.
So is it any wonder that the Tarot for this month echoes the need for us to be brave, strong and true as well as making time to celebrate and have fun. It shows the world’s shifts continuing and that we must be responsible for treating oursleves with love as well as our fellow earth occupants. In fact, once again the Tarot has not failed to astound me with what it revealed so be sure to watch the AstroTarot Reading for August
Symbol of Infinity- associated with Strength and Leo
Echoing the importance of the heart aspect of Leo is Venus, also to be found in Leo until 22nd when it moves into Virgo, two days before the Sun follows suit. Think Venus and we think love. Is it a coincidence that we have so much focus on the heart this month? Well, we also have a Mercury Retrograde coming into play on the 3rd. Mercury (the planet of communication) goes retrograde about three times a year, for three weeks. Which means it “appears” to be moving backwards. Mercury Retrogrades are feared for the chaos it can cause with the world the way it is today. So reliant on the mercurial themes of communication and travel, red tape and internet. But like anything, it ju

The Infinity Symbol of Leonine Strength
st needs to be understood and worked with, rather than feared.
Retrogrades are not good for signing deals, or starting/purchasing new things in general. What they are good for is anything beginning we “re”. Reviewing, reconnecting, researching, re-doing, rennovation, regression, re-evaluation. You can expect old people and places t play a part in your life, and perhaps old ways of communicating to surface, so if you feel like you have “regressed” in someway, remember to love yourself and see it as cleansing another layer rather than being back to somewhere you felt you had moved on from.
This Retrograde, yes you guessed it, is in Leo from the 9th! So we may even see old thems around love, courageous, creativity or children re surfacing. Remember this is a retrograde/second chance to see if we can act with love rather than fear.
Jupiter is in the Earth Sign of Taurus, standing for expansion and instant karma to do with the earth and your body- be careful of greed.
Echoing that is Saturn in Libra, we will be accountable for our own condunct of balance. All of this ties in strongly with the long term infulence of Pluto in Capricorn, showing a long term overhall and transformation of the way we live, of the system. Do you think it is any coincidence that the Northern Rock incodent happened very shortly after Pluto moved into Cparicorn? In otherwords do not fear, you are already living the change and have been for a few years now, yes these are intense times of change but just remember to breathe deep into your heart to break through any fear.The AstroTarot reading for this month also reflects these themes
As far as the Moon is concerned , we have/had the New Moon in Leo on 30th July, shedding a new light on the chance to have another beginning in love, creativity and the courage to shine. Two weeks later we have this month’s full Moon in Aquarius on 13th. The highlight is on community, revoulution, freedom and evolution!Supporting this is Aquarius’s ruler Uranus, in Aries. Giving this energy a big strong injection of power. Also once again echoed extremely strongly in this months AstroTarot Reading in this month’s astrotarot youtube reading.
We have another New Moon on 29th, this time in Virgo (when The Sun and Virgo have also joined in- more on this next month)….
Until then….
Are we not to take a page from here:
I don’t go by the rule book… I lead from the heart, not the head. Princess Diana
Remember also the Lion is playful and Lammas is celebration, remember to play…
For once I am practicing what I preach….this Lion (born on 11th) is going of to WOMAD! :-)
Leo loves, love, loves, dance and loves play….and once again this month’s AstroTarotReading reflects that- incase you haven’t clicked the link yet, here it is once again! here it is again!
One love
Tiffany Crosara
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