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As I sat drinking tea, bathed in the warm sunshine of the garden (yes, I know what you’re thinking...and I am very grateful for my wonderful life), I was thinking of people who have inspired me over the past year. Then a voice said to me “What do you want to achieve in your lifetime?” I don’t know, I thought to myself but, of course, I did know; I just had to think a little harder and probe a little deeper to find the real answer... I tend to live in the moment and have never planned too far ahead. I used to believe I lacked ambition but really I’m the sort of person who likes to keep their options open and not tie themselves down...and then it dawned on me, what I was really afraid of was if I planned too far ahead and it did not work out as I’d planned, then I would consider myself a failure. My fear of failure was governing me here and this had to change!
This time last year I was chronically ill with M.E./Fibromyalgia and Depression and I saw my future as very bleak but since my recovery (with the help of the Lightning Process) I have been given a new lease of life, another chance, if you like, to realise my goals and my dreams. Since my recovery I have begun painting spiritual art, I have become a Reiki Healer and I have set up a new Meditation Group for like-minded souls to come together in North Bristol, but looking any further than this is not something I have dared to do, until now...
And so here is my answer to the big question at the top of this page, the answer that comes from my heart: Being inspired by other’s successes and personal achievements has lead me to change my life for the better in many ways. When I meet someone and they see me, and I mean really “see” me (by this I mean those people who treat you differently than the majority of people. It is as though they look into your eyes and see your soul, who you really are, as well as your true unlimited potential, despite your faults, and all they have for you is love) there is an unspoken communication between our souls and I am uplifted to be more, to see more to do so much more than I ever thought I could! I want to be one of those people! Not from my Ego’s perspective of wanting people to need me to uplift them but from my Heart’s perspective of wanting to show other people their own beauty and potential as a human being, in order to empower themselves to realise their greatness.
I have met some teachers and leaders who keep information and wisdom to themselves and so they fail to inspire their followers to empower themselves. They seem to like to be on a certain level above the group and some even resort to manipulation in order to control their followers. They talk in riddles and half-truths of spiritual matters, which only leads to fear, confusion and misunderstanding. Perhaps they are afraid that the group members will no longer follow them if they realise their own personal power, or perhaps they are subconsciously even afraid of themselves. This way is not for me and I have quickly lost respect for these people and their position of authority. I choose to be different. I want to share my own experiences with others and for them to understand the real me, to hear the love and truth in the words I speak, to feel in their hearts my sincerity and to see themselves reflected in the sparkle of my eyes. I want to inspire others to take what I have learnt and to run with it, to become all that they really are, to even supersede me and rise to greater heights, heights that I have yet to reach, and be an even stronger shining example to the ones who will in turn follow them.
I am inspired to achieve greatness (and by greatness I mean success that is measured by true happiness and joy, as well as spiritual growth and expansion) through love, truth and compassion and my ultimate achievement in this lifetime would be to inspire true greatness in others and thus create such an abundance of love that it could be Heaven on Earth. So, would you care to join me...?
Love and Light to you all.
Article written on 1st September 2011.
For more information about the author and the North Bristol Meditation Group check out
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