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Pushing the Boundaries –
An Introduction To Intuitive Intelligence Gathering
Reliable, up to date information is a valuable resource that can help you to succeed in life. It enables you to make informed decisions, gives you a competitive edge and enables new opportunities and clear sightedness when you need them the most. To underestimate its power is the death knell of any business or career.
More and more high-powered individuals within various sectors of the market are benefiting from consulting with intuitive business consultants who work within the universal science branch of metaphysics. This process is called working hidden and their expertise lies in a field beyond the fringes of life, where new ideas are spawned, different perspectives are rife and the data you need is available before know you need it.
IBC’s in general specialise in applying an ancient concept that pre dates Socrates, was an integral part of Leonardo DaVinci’s work and became Steven Hawking’s mantra, which is that all that exists is irrevocably connected to everything else because all that exists, including you and I, emanates from and returns to a formless, intelligent, ever-evolving force of universal energy, and being energy, it cannot be destroyed or created it can only transform.
Referred to as Universal Consciousness or the Universal Mind, this body of energy holds the knowledge gained from the being and becoming of all that was, is and will be in the universe/s for all time. In other words, the universal mind is but one mind, an invisible treasure trove of data, information and ideas about all that exists, and your, mine and everybody else’s mind is part of it.
Our combined individual connections form the Hyper-communications network which can be used to navigate the Universal Mind, which is compiled of and to which we all continually transmit and receive thoughts to and from on a subliminal level. The HcN runs along the lines similar to that of the internet, if you have the apparatus, in this case a highly developed spiritually intuitive psyche, you can use your connection to consciously access the Universal Mind by way of HcN to retrieve information, if you haven’t, you can’t until you train yourself to do so.
IBC’s such as myself who have actualized and trained their sixth sense and are experienced in working within the universal science field of metaphysics can gain access to and mind travel along the HcN on behalf of others to gather the relevant data being held within the Universal Mind and which is free for the taking.
This service is reliant upon the IBC’s ability to retrieve and deliver the data in a clear and practicle fashion coupled with the your capacity to receive and translate the data into information and apply it correctly to gain the desired results. Although IBCs use what many consider to be unorthodox methods, we approach this form of invisible intelligence gathering in a confidential and respectful manner.
This means you will receive that which is relevant only to your business or career’s welfare and success, (which can sometimes be interpreted as avoid losing what you already have). An ethical IBC will refuse to gather data about someone or something that is not directly or indirectly affecting your business plans or career choices. If you would like to receive further information as to the services I provide, email me on
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