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Chrissie Batten
Spiritual Counsellor,
Reiki Master,
I know it may sound corny, and I know you’ve probably heard it said a million times or more. But today I’m taking the risk to say it once again…Everyone Matters!!
It’s Christmas, and is the time when feelings and emotions we’ve kept suppressed or hidden, find their way to the surface! The feelings that make us say that ‘I’m okay’ when really we’re not! The thoughts that make us think we’re not bothered, when really we are!
Christmas has an uncomfortable tendency to bring our problems and isolation to a peak, because whilst Christmas is supposed to be a time of joyful giving and good will, there are those who have no-one in their lives to enable this participation of exchange of loving energies! So instead of being a time of joy, Christmas becomes an intolerable nightmare of acute recognition, of just how bad life actually is!
There are many lonely people out there, who don’t let on how bad they feel about themselves and their life. It doesn’t really matter if they live alone, or with others. Or how old they are! They feel as they do, and hate the way they feel, because they feel insignificant. They feel they don’t matter!
But if just a few of us made the effort to watch others a bit more closely, to talk to others a bit more often, then loneliness may not feel so bad. Because just a few words, or a simple gesture of friendship, can make that lonely person believe that someone, somewhere, cares about how they feel!
It hurts when we feel that we don’t matter, that no-one is on our side, that there’s nobody we can call on to comfort us when we feel upset. The great sadness is that there are so many people who feel this way! Children, adults of all ages, even our pets need our love and companionship!
We think our pain is just our pain, but it’s not! It’s part of the whole of humanity that is turning a corner in its evolutionary journey of change.
So as we enter 2013, let’s make a point of doing things differently…!
Let’s start caring about every

Insight Pocket Cards by
Chrissie Batten
body, including ourselves. And including those that we think harshly of, or resent, or dislike, or want to punish because they’ve hurt us in some way, at some time!
We don’t have to go back for more of the same. We just have to let all the pain and resentment created in the past, leave our energy system, so it stops causing us more pain in the future! And when we start to think negatively, which we do because we’re human, all you need do, to create a miracle, is simply start thinking loving thoughts. The energy changes immediately!
So when you walk along the street and see someone in pain, or needy, or hurting. Or someone who is scared, or angry, or proud. Instead of thinking about what they’re doing to make their life worse (or yours), remember they are simply a soul, like you, on a learning journey! Then let your heart fill with love, and mentally send it straight to them. That’s all you have to do!
They and you will feel the benefit of this energy exchange, and it will cause a ripple effect that unites with everyone else who is sending out loving thoughts and feelings. And when we can all feel this loving energy in our hearts, we will truly know that we all matter, as we are all part of the whole of humanity!
If you are alone, or hurting, or confused, or ailing this Christmas, I want you to know that even though I don’t know you, I care that you feel this way! And although I may not physically be able to help and support you, I would like to let you know that my prayers filled with love will find their way to you, along the universal energetic pathways, which may help reassure you that you are never really alone! Not totally!
I wish each of you a merry Christmas, regardless of where you are and who you are with. And a heart and life filled with the miraculous healing energy called love, that will create the miracles you’ve dreamed about!
Sending you all love, light, peace, joy, and many blessings for the future starting 2013.
Chrissie xx
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