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Chrissie Batten
Spiritual Counsellor,
Reiki Master,
Mirroring resistance is futile when there are issues to be resolved. So dealing with problems is paramount, if you want to start feeling relaxed once more.
Time is of the essence with some priority matters, which causes added stress for that time. However, once that issue has been resolved, the energy residues will release, if permitted…allowing the energy body to correct any disruptive fluctuation that may cause it harm.
There are still residues of deep desire that linger in your energy system, that are causing problems…!
Say as affirmation…
‘I now allow all residues of past pain

Insight Pocket
Cards by Chrissie Batten
, disappointments, hurts, abandonments, and any other personal protection systems that are in place, but damaged, to be released immediately and totally…leaving my whole being free from disruptions that could cause me future problems!
I forgive the past and all causes of my pain.
I now allow myself to heal on every level, any chronic/acute condition that impairs my ability to function healthily!
I allow my consciousness to reunite with the source of my being…I once again become one with God…the Creator of all that is love and light!
For this I give thanks, and so it is done…!’
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