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When we think of faeries, we automatically think of the stories we used to read when we were children about the magic they had and also how there were naughty pixies. For a moment we smile to ourselves about the idea of faeries and how we were amazed and inspired as children when we talked about them. But then as we grew up we were told to ‘grow up’ or that we were ‘imagining things’. The truth is that we were probably not imagining the faeries, but so what if we were, it’s not entirely a bad thing is it?
Think of it this way; the imagination gives us inspiration. So if we imagine that we see a faerie in the park by lots of pretty flowers, then we are inspired to go home and sort out our own flower beds, then what’s the harm in that? We are then doing work with and for the faerie’s by helping them look after nature.
When we ‘imagine’ that we see a faerie and then start doubting ourselves this sends out to the universe a message that we are not open to the power the universe has to offer and the power that the universe is. Also by mentally shutting ourselves off from the faeries we are also shutting ourselves off spiritually. Something I find to be truly saddening.
So what are faeries?
Firstly we need to know exactly what faeries are so we know how to recognise them when we see and experience these beings. Faeries are elemental beings that are sometimes known as ‘the little people’ or ‘elves’ that are just like angels, only they are more down to earth so to speak. They are nature angels, true earth angels, as they watch over the flowers, trees, animal kingdom.......and us!!! They can appear to be small people or elemental beings with beautiful glittery wings, pointy ears, and flowers for clothes such as tiny foxglove flower heads. However I have seen a gnome or two about three feet in height. They have a certain aura around them of magic, mystery and fun. These nature angels don’t like it when there is litter, un kept gardens, though to a certain extent they do enjoy a small amount of garden to be wild where they can have their fun, but there is a difference between a wild garden and something resembling a scrap heap. I like to think of it as their place where they are free to do what they like, and have their own parties. A place to let their hair down after a hard day’s work. The faeries love fun and excitement, and they encourage each and every one of us to have fun on a daily basis. Also when we play and have fun we open up our higher consciousness channels that allow us to see, hear, sense and experience other worldly activity.
What can the faeries do for me?
As for what the faeries can do for you, it might be easier to ask what they can’t do.
We each have a faerie guardian that is similar to our guardian angels that we can call upon when we need a bit of assistance. Our faerie guardians can sometimes be known as our faerie godmother, and I personally believe that it doesn’t matter which of the two you use to refer to them as. It’s what makes you feel comfortable, and what helps you to make that faerie connection. Working with these elementals is about intuition and enjoyment. Find your connective method that suites you. Faeries live for joy and peace which are just two things the faeries can help you find.
Faerie guard
ians can help us with anything, such as finding ways to help us improve our finances, create a peaceful garden, decorate our homes in the right colour shades, and even keeping fit and healthy. One area I’m constantly requesting and receiving guidance from my faerie guardian is my dreams. I write my faerie guardian a little letter, place under my pillow, lie back and wait to be inspired, and I always am. The faeries even showed me how to give more accurate faerie card readings.
One more thing the faeries help us with is the health and well being of our pets. If you ever see them looking into space at something you can’t see, thank their faerie guardian for being there. Since my kitten was 7 months old he always looks up to see his faerie guardian and angels. We only have to say to him “Magick, where’s your angels?” and he’ll look all around until his eyes are fixed on one particular spot. He also shows great interest in crystals and even moves them about in the singing bowl to cleanse them. This doesn’t surprise me at all as faeries are nature angels and crystals are of course an aspect of nature, coming from mother earth.
Where do Faerie Guardians come from?
There is a family of faeries that are inspirational faeries who are connected to the Faeries of Expression. From this realm we have a faerie each, a faerie guardian, whose job is to inspire us along our pathway giving us ideas on ways to fulfil our life purpose such as; the idea to go back to college to gain a new skill, then when that seed is planted within us, it is the Faeries of Expression that can step in and help us find that college, complete the course, and then use the knowledge gained to move forward.
How can I connect to my faerie guardian?
There are many ways to connect and communicate with your faerie guardians as it all links to our imagination and intuition; but to get you started here are some of my favourite;
Faerie Dreams: Ask your Faerie Guardian either mentally or aloud to visit you in your dreams so that you can communicate more easily with them.
Faerie Letters: Write a letter to your Faerie Guardian asking them to reveal them to you in whichever way they feel is right for the both of you.
Faerie Meditations: You can ask your Faerie Guardian to visit you in your meditations and meet them face to face. (I am currently working on a guided meditation to help you meet your faerie guardians so keep a look on my website)
Faerie Asking: And there is always good old fashioned asking. Remember you don’t get if you don’t ask. They could reveal themselves in a number of ways such as; dreams, flowers (name of flower could be your guardian’s name), books, and even in the clouds.
Remember faeries are not to be the replacement of our guardian angels, they are connected and you can call upon your spirit guides, guardian angels, animal guides, and faerie guardians all together to help you.
Faerie Guardians are just another spiritual being that are with you, protecting and inspiring you, so don’t forget to say hello and leave them an offering.
I would love to hear your experiences of faeries, you are most welcome to contact me at my website or email
[email protected]
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