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I know many of us go through life being let down by people constantly whether it be in personal relationships, our career, or by things just not working out in general, it’s so hard to trust people and I do think it’s a shame that we don’t trust each other. I feel we’ve lost that magic that our communities used to have a long time ago, when people would all pull together at times of crisis’ and support each other without for a second thought thinking “what’s in it for me?”.
Communities are actually a keyword the angels have just lovingly shouted to me. The initial thought that entered afterwards was that we can bring the magick back into our spiritual communities. When I say “spiritual communities” I mean our community with the spiritual realms especially the angelic realm. When we are faced with a problem our first thought is always “why me?” and the thought that I always receive back is as my Grand pop’s once told me from the spirit world “why not you?” I had a little chuckle to myself when a medium conveyed this message to me but afterwards and still to this day when something is going a little unexpectedly wrong in my life I always remember this message and then realise that the spiritual realms wouldn’t give us anything that we couldn’t deal with. I know that sometimes we do think that we really cannot cope anymore but we can and we will because this problem which we have to deal with is a life lesson. In this life lesson we have all the knowledge of how to deal with it and by facing up to it we get through it and come out the other side stronger. But we must realise that we don’t have to go through it alone and we don’t go through this alone. We have a group of unseen helpers behind us all the way. We have angels looking after us, guiding us and protecting us along our way.
These angels are our personal helpers called Guardian Angels, and they stay by us through everything, never once thinking of leaving us. You must be thinking that if our guardian angels are with us why do they let us go through all the rubbish that we get faced with, and the answer to that is because they know that we can get through it and they will help us to do so by inspiring us to make the right decisions.
So what are angels exactly?
Angels are spirit beings that come from the celestial realms to help, guide, protect and inspire us. Angels in appearance can look different to everybody. To some they may have feathered wings, be 9ft tall and have 3 eyes. To others they may be 4ft tall, have no wings at all, but have an etheric aura that shimmers gold. So which is the right ‘look’ for angels and which one should we be focussing upon to visualise them? The truth to that is that there is no right or wrong visualisation of them. We each have our own perspective and image of what angels are to us so however we portray and expect them to look, then that’s exactly how they will reveal themselves to us.
They are the bridge between the earthly plane and God, the divine source, our creator. You don’t have to be special or a medium to see and benefit from angels. In the angels eyes, and indeed the spiritual realms eyes you are special, all of you. No exceptions. The angels are open to everyone, and I mean everyone, so if you want to communicate with them, then the purity within your heart, the absolute belief that you have of them, well the angels will see that and will most definitely work more closely with you.
How do I begin to work more closely with the angels?
To begin working with the angels we need to have a more concrete understanding of the immaterial qualities which we need to learn to tap into first. These qualities are sometimes described by many people as ‘angelic’ and I personally think that title ties in nicely wouldn’t you agree? The first quality that I personally think is the most important is trust. You cannot work with the spiritual realms if you don’t trust them; of course you’re going to be feeling apprehensive and wary which I’m sure the angels understand. But what I’m trying to say is that if you sit there for example relaxing to soft music asking the angels to reveal themselves to you whilst you’re thinking that there is no way angels exist, or perhaps that they won’t show themselves to you as you’re not special enough, which we discussed earlier, then they possibly won’t sh

ow themselves to you because you’re not trusting that they will become a part of your life. Also the Universe exists based upon the spiritual law of cause and effect. What we give out comes back to us. So if your expecting to not see an angel, you may just get what you expect….you won’t see an angel. Trust and Belief go hand in hand.
One thing I want you to remember is that sometimes we see things or hear things, perhaps even sense things when we’re beginning out on our spiritual journey and we doubt ourselves in a huge way. Doubts fill our heads with questions and statements such as ‘did I imagine it?’ or ‘there’s no way an angel would talk to me’. I know from personal experience that we constantly doubt ourselves; I know I did and guess what? I still do. I still have times when I think I imagined it, or I wonder if the spirit realms would even consider helping me. I have even had other people doubting me, even accusing me of never having such dealings with the realms. But I put trust in the realms to help me, guide me, and protect me through these times. They did help me, guide me and protect me, even though sometimes the outcome is not what I wanted it to be, it has always been the best outcome for me. It’s hard when you doubt yourself, but even harder when other people doubt you, it can knock your confidence but please don’t give up. I know it’s hard; I’ve been on the receiving end of a conversation to this end so I know it’s hard. But you have a duty to spirit but most importantly you have a duty to yourself to be spiritual, and radiate positively, and why shouldn’t you have help from high places so to speak? You deserve it, so please, always remember to trust yourself, and if you can do that then always trust that the realms will help you, and will be there for you. That is one thing you should never doubt.
To help you, I’ve written a small affirmation or prayer, whichever you prefer to call it, to help you begin to establish and strengthen your trust in the angels.
“Angel of trust, I ask that you assist me in my life and help me to understand and learn how to trust. I ask that you help me strengthen my trust in the angelic realm and to help me to trust in what I experience, thank you, “
One of the easiest ways to connect more deeply with the angelic realm is of course to write an angel journal. To do this all you need is a small notebook or A4 ring binder folder. For either of these, it is up to you if you just leave them plain or decorate them with glitter, sequins, angel stickers, pictures, even pressed flowers. Because it is your special angel journal, it is entirely up to you. Inside your angel journal you can write letters to your angels, angel prayers, maybe a section of your book you’ll make room for sending healing wishes to people who need a bit of a pick me up. You can also write about all the angelic things you learn, records of meditations you’ve done, angelic things you witness, anything.
One of my favourite ways to connect with the angels is a little more out in the open than your angel journal, it’s an angel altar. Now this can be as small or big as you want, or as big as room provides. This is your angelic focal point. On here you can put a little bit of cloth to cover it perhaps in a colour like such as lilac, pink, blue or green. On your altar you could place a representation or two of what angels mean to you, such as angel pictures, angel statues, or angel candles. You can also place some crystals on the altar such as rose quartz, clear quartz, angelite, celestite or danburite. Perhaps make room for a couple of tea light candles and an oil burner to burn a angelic fragrance such as frankincense or jasmine. The thing with altars is they have to represent you and come from your heart. Some things that I have on my altar include angel confetti which you can get from wedding shops, a butterfly necklace which to me has always been a representation of spirit, my angel cards in which I use to do readings for myself and others, along with incense and my angel journal.
Set that special time aside perhaps 30 minutes a week to just relax and enjoy the angelic atmosphere that is all around you. It’s amazing what half an hour of angelic therapy can do for even the most stressed out person.
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