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What is Life Coaching?
The journey of life coaching is about enabling you to attain whatever goals you wish to achieve and how to strive for and maintain a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. It is about turning your dreams into reality, negatives into positives and your wishes into achieveable goals.
Life coaching aims to empower you into taking ownership of your own thoughts, actions and behaviours to enable you to make positive changes. A coach will always be there to support, guide, listen and monitor your progress, walking alongside you throughout your journey of self-discovery.
In coaching there are no failures, simply valuable experiences and lessons to be learned to help you on the road to success. Your coach will help you to recognise this and to change your perception of life events to a more positive viewpoint. In doing so it is possible to commit to a new way of thinking to produce positive and rewarding results.
Why Seek Life Coaching?
People choose the services of a life coach for many reasons, but ultimately life coaching is for those who want to make positive changes within their lives and are willing to commit to making such changes happen. Life coaching is for anyone who wishes to make active and positive changes within their lives. This may involve any area of life to make personal, emotional or social improvements, relationships, work based or parental issues as well as focus on a spiritual level.
Life coaching is client based and client led. YOU are in control at all times. Your coach is there as support, to highlight your worth, to watch you blossom as you reach your potential and achieve your goals. The life coaching journey is a positive and proactive one, and through your experience you will learn to think and feel in new ways, to change your outlook on life, on experiences and to gain positive and valuable lessons in order to live a happy, healthy and abundant life - the life you deserve to lead.
Life coaching:
* Helps you to identify obstacles to happiness
* Helps you to focus on your goals
* Helps you develop your self-esteem and confidence
* Enables you to think more positively
* Helps you to set goals and achieve them
* Empowers you to control your life
Life coaching works well with:
* Bullying issues
* Relationships issues
* Achieving personal goals
* Life balancing
* Parenting issues
* Work related problems
* Self-image and weight related issues
* Career guidance
* Low self-esteem issues
* Discovering your life purpose
* Dealing with traumatic experiences
* Coping with loneliness
* Changing unwanted routines or habits
* Developing a positive mental attitude
Using approaches from the fields of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) a life coach helps people in discovering themselves, their goals, aims and desires, to recognise their worth, their potential and their life purpose. Through this enlightening and powerful journey clients are able to free themselves spiritually, physically and emotionally from their doubts and barriers and move positively towards a brighter future.
Life coaching is non-critical and non-judgemental in nature. Your coach is there to listen, support and guide you in achieving your goals. All communication within your sessions is protected by client/coach confidentiality giving you the confidence and trust to communicate fully and op
enly in order to highlight key issues and obstacles, set goals to achieve, and ways in which to achieve these successfully.
What Happens in a Life Coaching Session?
* Reviewing the previous session
* Discussion of any homework or tasks set
* Exploring the options for the session
* Setting goals for the session
* Agreeing actions
* Setting appropriate homework and tasks to achieve the goals set
A coach will never tell you what to do, or control your coaching journey. Life coaching is all about enabling a client to realise their own potential and unlock their power, confidence and motivation to achieve their own goals. A life coach is your companion throughout this journey of self-discovery, highlighting your strengths and building up your areas of perceived weakness. In taking away perceived obstacles and turning negatives in postives, it is possible to raise your self-esteem and confidence in striving for your goals.
Are Life Coaches Counsellors or Mentors?
No. A counsellor's role is to analyse a client's past to discover the reasons for a client's current thoughts, feelings and behaviour. A mentor will act as a teacher or guide, using their personal experience or situation in order to teach and mould a client into achieving the same results.
In contrast a life coach focuses on the present and where you would like to be in the future. Life coaching empowers the client in taking charge of their own outcomes through the use of set techniques, tasks and active communication.
Life coaching involves the use of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques to create positive changes in thinking, preceiving and behaving, helping the client to achieve productive mental states and a positive outcome.
In beginning your life coaching journey, you can expect:
* To be fully listened to, supported and respected throughout your sessions
* To identify and deal with any obstacles or restrictions to your desired goals
* To gain skills and techniques to enable you to remove barriers to success and increase motivation and aids to achieve greater happiness
* To increase your awareness of your abilities, skills and talents, promoting self-confidence and high levels of self- esteem
How Long do Sessions Last?
Typically each life coaching session will be for 45 minutes to 1 hour
Are there areas or conditions which are unsuitable for life coaching?
Life coaching is not appropriate for those with mental or physical health conditions, drug or alcohol addictions or for those with severe emotional disturbances or depression. This would be the field for specialist medical health professionals and in the safety and well-being of such clients, life coaching would be inappropriate and unable to be offered until such professionals have been consulted and the subsequent issues addressed.
We will of course guide clients on the first step of seeking out the appropriate professionals before ceasing consultation should this be necessary and will keep their record on file ready to recommence sessions after medical aid has been sought.
We also provide spiritual courses which are fully accredited and allow you to practice as an independent life coach, crystal therapist or spiritual mentor. Please visit our website for more details.
We provide a range of services to meet all budgets so please email me to begin our journey.
Love,Light &Blessings to you.
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