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To delegates from America and elsewhere who had attended the meetings of the International Spiritualist Congress at Glasgow in 1937, and who had been invited, with a few others, to a special seance, Silver Birch said:
''The magnitude of Spiritual Truth has brought you all together, and you have conferred one with another to try to find a new strength and new courage, to return to your own lands with a new understanding and a new hope.
Your world of matter cannot be silent to the voice of the spirit any longer, for you stand at the cross-roads and a choice has to be made.
Your churches have failed you; they are bankrupt. Your men of science have failed you; they seek to destroy instead of building. Your philosophers have failed you; theirs is but the empty talk of idle speculation. Your statement have failed you; they have not learned the supreme lesson that only through sacrifice can peace come to your world. In his despair, the child of the Great Spirit cries out for guidance.
We remind you of the great trust that is reposed in you, the great responsibility that is yours to bear, for there is One that cannot fail - the Great Spirit of all Life. If you will but allow His Power to guide you, His Wisdom to lead you, His Love to sustain you, you will find the solution of all your troubles, for you will all find yourselves, the true selves, the greater selves that seek not glory for themselves alone but only desire to SERVE.
Your world is full of strife and bitterness, full of discord. It is full of tears and misery and bloodshed. And yet each cries: ''Give us Peace!' I urge you all to remember the potentiality that lies within yourselves. You are the Great Spirit, each one of you. His Infinite Power is latent within you. If you will but call it into Being and let it rise to the surface, it will break all the bonds of limitation that stand in the way.
Reveal yourselves in the fullness of it's hidden glory. Realise that you are indeed the Great Spirit, with Infinite Power at your disposal, and you will indeed be the instruments of the New Age, which slowly is beginning to dawn over a darkened world.
Put not your Faith in the world of matter or in those who dwell in your world, no matter how high a place they occupy. Look Beyond! Try to catch that inspiration that ever seeks to Illumine your Lives with it's desire to SERVE.
Go forward! And, though you will find many disappointments and many failures, we will always stand behind you, give you hope and strength when you are tired, seeking to raise you up when you are cast down. You will never be alone. The Great Spirit will send His ministers to guard you. Some of you will go to far-off places. But the Power of the Spirit will not disperse. It will go with you, striving always to reveal Itself in your lives as you desire to SERVE.
May the blessings of the Great Spirit go with each one of you, and may you realise how Infinite is the Love which seeks to hold you in it's embrace. May you realise that you are enveloped in the mantle of Divine Love. May you look beyond the difficulties and the trials and the troubles of the world of matter and raise your faces to the Sun - the Golden symbol of the Great Spirit.
Fill your Hearts with Love, your minds with Knowledge, your spirits with a determination to SERVE - then the WILL of the Great Spirit will make Itself known through YOU, and all your Hearts will beat in unison with His Great Heart, and you will be at one with Him.
May the Great Spirit Bless you all.''
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