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The healing qualities crystals has been known about and used for aeons and they are now form an integral part of vibrational energy healing. Although records show that the Egyptians were the first to use crystal healing the Native Americans, India’s Ayruvedic and traditional Chinese medicines have used crystals for their healing properties as well as for meditation and reflection purposes for many thousands of years. Originally known as charm stones, the three categories of rock, namely sedimentary, igneous and metaphoric work on a vibrational energy level. Each category within the three main rock groups possess specific and unique qualities that can be used to cleanse, detox, balance, calm and energise at a vibrational level. The crystal system combined with the chemical make up that produces the multitude of colours is responsible for producing their healing qualities. All crystals contain minerals, but not all minerals contain crystals, never the less both types possess powerful healing qualities. They come in all shapes and sizes. The smaller stones are no more powerful than the large ones and tumbled stones are no better that the ones you find in your garden, so please don’t dismiss that that valuable source just because they are dirty.
Based on the concept that each living organism has a vibrational energy, the structure of crystals enables them to alter energy fields on very subtle levels in a non-evasive way. This means they can be used to alleviate and or heal mental, emotional, physical and spiritual conditions. One of the reasons for this is because they are produced and formed by the movement of the earth, a living breathing entity in her own right. There are seven categories within the crystal systems all of which are based upon 3 dimension geometry, which when applied to any part of the body, interacts with the vibrational energies of that person. When the crystal system is applied to the basic seven Chakras system, which is colour coded, it results in the Chakras being cleansed, de-tox, balanced and rejuvenated. Like wise when placed within the 7 colour coded subtle bodies of the aura. Alternatively crystals can be placed upon one or more of the 500 acupuncture points of the meridians, which run the course of the body. Using the healer as a facilitator, crystals are used to identify dis-ease in the body as well treatment purposes.
They are also safe to use with orthodox pharmaceutical medicines and treatments, medicinal herbs and spices. They are used to healing animals, energise plants and cleanse and energise water and the Leylines. Crystals are also used for protection (bearing in mind laughter is the greatest protection of all) and support, whether it be cosmic, geopathic environmental or person-to-person stress.
You don’t have to be knowledgeable about crystals to use them, since they work on a vibrational energy level. This means that if you walk into a crystal shop and one jumps out at you, that is the one for you. To begin with, this process is far better than relying on another to tell you what they think you need. Working in this way means you can make a crystal medical chest that tuned to your unique vibrational energy rate and density. For those who may not have the confidence to work in this manner, here are some crystals that would make an excellent medical chest: Amethyst, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Fluorite, Garnet, Hematite Herkimer Diamond, Malachite (this stone must not be taken internally or warn against the skin for long periods of time. Adult use only); Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Black Tourmaline and Turquoise. Don’t allow yourself to get carried away and only buy what you can afford. You do need to look after your crystals by cleansing them. This is done by either visualizing them in white light, putting them out in the sun light or putting them in a net bag and placing them in a running stream. Elizabeth Francis G.ICGT WFH C.BAPs.
© Elizabeth Francis 2008.
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