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Chrissie Batte
Spiritual Counsellor,
Reiki Master,
Because spiritual influences are helping our soul evolve beyond our reactive ego personality, by encouraging us to identify, clarify, develop and live by authentic truth, we will find it harder to be consoled by our addictions and negative habits. They won’t bring us so much satisfaction, so eventually we will get tired of being disappointed by them and seek other ways of coping with our inner stirrings. Meaning that if we make the effort to work constructively with our fear, by not making ourselves even more afraid as we deal with changes in our lives, we can break free of old habits that have kept us trapped within fear filled limitations. And although this process can feel distressing, because we are letting go of our comforters, we have to remember it’s a positive process that’s designed energetically to set us free from our negative self, that imposes restrictions to our growth and happiness.
I hurt when I see so many people, young and old, struggling to cope with the constant bombardment of challenges being imposed upon us all. There was a time not so long ago, when we could identify with those whose life was working well. We could console our fears by saying ‘If they can do that then so can I’. Our young people could witness success and aspire themselves toward it. But it’s much harder to find normal people(if there are such entities any more) whose life is working well. In fact it’s becoming increasingly harder to find anyone who hasn’t got some form of struggle going on at the moment. Meaning it’s going to feel more difficult to feel optimistic and okay about life in general, and our mood may become less buoyant!
I’m not naive enough to believe that EVERYONE is in turmoil at the moment. As I know problems are being caused by an energetic shift, that means wealth

Insight Pocket Cards
by Chrissie Batten
is being redistributed away from the majority, who as a consequence struggle with financial problems and health issues caused by an overload of stress, and passed onto the minority whose lives are becoming increasingly prosperous, successful and fulfilling. There is money out there, enough for everyone. So why is there such an increasing and overwhelming lack in our lives, when others have so much more than us – more than they could possibly need? What is the purpose for this?
Well they say money goes to money, and I believe that’s true! As there’s an energy link to money, that if connected to, will attract more money. The problem is that fear interferes with this abundance link. So the poorer we get, the more afraid we become, and the more we get separated from our ability to generate more money! So, even if we are terrified of losing what we’ve got because we’ve not got enough money coming into our lives, we can, and must still have confidence in our ability to connect to the energy of financial abundance.
This means instead of focussing on what we haven’t got, which makes us more anxious, we use affirming statements such as....’I am now willing to allow money to enter my life from all sources’ or ‘I now release the need to suffer from poverty and accept the abundance of money that is rightfully mine to receive’. One of the most effective ways to connect to abundance energy, or disconnect from our restraining mind-sets, is to use EFT. There are loads of scripts already out there if you Google or go to You Tube.
The main thing is not to let fear stop us from creating a better way of life for ourselves. But if we focus on fear, we will become more afraid! So, remember, even if you’re afraid of whatever, you can still be strong, creative and successful!
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