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Chrissie Batten
Spiritual Counsellor,
Reiki Master/Teacher,
It’s very clear now, that we cannot escape anxiety provoking situations that make us feel bad and impede our opportunities for finding future happiness. Nevertheless, whilst we are starting to realise we can’t control the world after all, we must always, and I mean always remember, we can control ourselves!
When we worry we create toxic energy, which is extra adrenalin that sends our energy field haywire. If this toxic energy is not released in some way, we become agitated. Where the process of fight or flight occurs, stimulating even more adrenalin, and more anxiety! Even though worry thoughts fill our mind, and fear, dread or terror thoughts fill our heart, we must always realise that this discomfort is just our energy, that has been disrupted because of our disordered thinking.
Worry creates more worry, unless we intercept our thinking and regain control of our thoughts, by balancing our negative with positive thoughts….i.e. I can’t pay next months bills (Neg.), but I’ve got time to try to sort something out (Pos.). Although this may not be the answer, it stops the sharp increase in fear rising, which allows you to remain in control. It’s very difficult to find profitable answers when we’re in sheer panic mode!
But even when our adrenalin pumps and we want to run, scream, hide or attack, or fill ourselves with food, alcohol or drugs, we must remember that aggressive actions won’t do anything to heal our pain. As all it will do is release some of the adrenalin we’re causing because of our confused or anxious thinking patterns.
There are other easier ways to release excessive adrenalin energy, that we can use to help ourselves…
1) Physical exercise…running, walking, skipping, dancing, housework and of course sex!
2) Doing something creative where your efforts will yield a result…painting, playing musical instrument, knitting, cooking.
3) Expressing yourself vocally…singing, talking to someone, going to the beach and shouting out at the sea!
4) Writing…a journal, automatic writing where you just keep writing about how you’re feeling, writing an expressive letter (destroy it rather than send it).
5) Visualisation…
Sit quietly, see yourself in your mind’s eye…
See yourself standing on the edge of a quay, where the deep blue sea is in front of you. As you look down at your feet you see a large, strong, black plastic sack on the floor. Pick up the sack, open it, and imagine your anxiety thoughts being directed into it, like a stream of energy. Send all of your worries and fears into the bag and watch it get fatter and bigger. When you feel as though you have emptied yourself, tie the sack and throw it, or drop it into the sea in front of you. Watch as the ocean melts the sack and all of your worries, allowing yourself to just let go of any attachment to problems. Watch until the black bag has completely disappeared and until there is nothing but the beautiful, calm sea in front of you. Take a deep breath, acknowledge how calm you now feel. Give thanks to the sea for helping you. Do this daily if required. The sea can handle our energy!
6) E.F.T. Tapping – if you’ve not heard of it, look it up on the internet. It’s great!
7) Remember that tomorrow is a new day, every experience is transitional, there is usually an answer to most problems, and we are never alone, even if it feels like we are!
Good luck x
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